Empowering Microcredentials: OntheMIC Partnership’s Final Meeting in Iceland 


On September 7 and 8 the OntheMIC partnership met in Iceland for its 5th Transnational meeting, hosted by the local partner MSS.

This was the last official project meeting, an important moment to validate the results 1 (Self assessment tool) and 2 (Identification of the learning environment tool), discuss the finalization of Results 3 (Training Modules) and 4 (Validation of learning), and plan activities for an active dissemination: sharing information, multiplier events, testing with relevant stakeholders.

The project is running smoothly and partners are more than ever engaged to finalize the last two results and make the identification and validation of microcredentials accessible for all.

The meeting was also a wonderful occasion to discover Iceland, and a beautiful Country tat offers many opportunities to be mesmerized by Nature. A big thanks to our friends from MSS who helped us discovering their beautiful Country.
