How to use the results of the soft skills identification tool
In a technological world it is important that we think carefully about the human elements and see their value in life and work. Generally, in life we use so-called soft skills. The skills that are necessary to be successful at work. These include critical thinking, problem solving, cognitive or emotional empathy, public speaking, professional writing, teamwork, digital literacy, leadership, professional attitude, work ethic and career management.
You can flourish as an individual if you have these soft skills. You will find it easier to solve problems, delegate, motivate and develop teams. Soft skills are personal, interpersonal skills that define a person’s interactions with others.
How can we use the On the Mic tool?
You can select three ways to work with the self-assessment list.
Path one
An individual makes the self-assessment and takes advantage of the results depending on the situation.
Path two
An individual takes the self-assessment and gets help from a counsellor with the next steps.
Path three
An individual takes the self-assessment with the help of a professional.
Path One: Online – self-assessment.
a. The results can be used for further skill-building and spotting strengths.
b. The survey can give clues about how a workplace suits the person, based on skills.
c. The results can be used as a reference in a CV.
d. Good to use as a starting point in a job search, based on skills.
e. The results can be used as preparation for the job interview, to gain vocabulary about strengths.
Path Two: Online – self-assessment.
a. Assessment conducted.
b. Get help from a counsellor to:
- A counsellor can help match skills and jobs.
- A counsellor can help you find a suitable program based on skills.
- You can get help with creating a CV based on the results.
- A counsellor can assist in viewing job profiles for specific jobs.
Here below you can see a job profile for a job in a store. It shows what skills are important in commercial work.
c. Look for a career counsellor in your local area for further assistance.
- Career counsellors work in schools, lifelong learning centres and some companies.
Path Three: Online – self-assessment
carried out with the help of a counsellor.
a. Assisted in mapping skills with a self-assessment checklist.
b. Assistance received in matching skills and jobs.
- A counsellor can help match skills and jobs.
- A counsellor can help find a suitable program based on skills.
- Get help with CV making based on results.
- A counsellor can show how the results are used as a tool in a job interview. It is good to practice a job interview.
- A counsellor can assist in viewing job profiles for specific jobs.
c. Look for a career counsellor in your local area for further assistance.
- Career counsellors work in schools, lifelong learning centres and some companies.