Let's assess ourselves!
MIC will help!
Non Formal Skills
This self-assessment tool allows you to assess your skills and competences you have acquired through non- formal learning. Non- formal learning is structured learning situations which do not either have the level of curriculum, syllabus, accreditation and certification.
The learner’s objectives may be to increase skills and knowledge, as well as to experience the emotional rewards associated with increased love for a subject or increased passion for learning. Examples of non-formal learning include community-based sports programs, and programs developed by organisations such as the Boy Scouts, community or non-credit adult education courses, sports or fitness programs, and continuing professional development.
With the help of this self-assessment, a person gets information about the things he/ she could learn or update in order to achieve his/ her goals.
Informal Skills
This self-assessment tool allows you to assess your skills and competences you have acquired through Informal learning.
Informal learning is self-directed learning or learning from experience.
Informal learning is common in communities where individuals have opportunities to observe and participate in social activities.
The Informal learning self- assessment gives a more personal view of a person and his/ her interests and motivation.
With the help of this self-assessment, a person gets information about the things he/ she should learn or update in order to achieve his/ her goals.